Please keep purrraying for his safe and speedy return - and thanks for all the support.
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![]() Hi! I'm Kimo, a Seal Point Siamese. I'm a pretty laid-back dude. I enjoy birdwatching, sunbathing, desk lounging, collecting coins, snoopervising, watching reality TV, curling up by the fireplace, and long, long naps. |
![]() And I'm Sabi, a Domestic Shorthair. Some say I'm ADHD. I enjoy running, unrolling toilet paper, catching spiders, playing fetch, knitting, burrowing in fresh laundered clothes, and short naps. |
![]() Daddykitty & Mommakitty |
Mommakitty and Daddykitty adopted us from the Petaluma Animal Shelter in September 2004 (born in July). They play with us when we need the exercise, set limits when we need to understand the rules, and even nap with us. They provide a safe home for us with plenty of room to play, feed us healthy food, and encourage us to learn new things. They're the best!
Bean Gurl Sisser
Our little bean sister is a Las Vegas, Baby! She is adopted (just like us) - born December 2007. We luvs her very much and she has her own bloggie too!
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Copyright 2014: Kimo & Sabi Email Kimo & Sabi
come home NOW, sweet Kimo!
Purring for your safe return Kimo and for Momma and Daddy.
We are purring that Kimo comes home soon. We all miss him.
Cody and Gracie
We are purring very hard for your buddy to come home Sabi!! We know
how sad you must be.
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure and JJ
We are sad that Kimo is still missing and we are sending our loudest purrs to help guide him home.
We have not stopped purring for Kimo. We are sad we aren't close enough to go looking for Kimo ourselves.
Oh rats, I was hoping for some good news. We will not give up purring for Kimo to make his way safely home.
We're purring for Kimo's return. We just know he'll be back.
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
How about some catnip outside by the door? I hope he shows up soon. He is hiding somewhere scared to come out.
We're still purring and purraying that he'll come home safe and soon.
Oh Sabi! We hope Kimo comes home soon too! We haven't stopped purring for him!!
We is purring and purring. We knows Kimo comes home soon!
Sabi & beans, have you considered walking Sabi around the neighborhood? Not sure how possible that is, but Criz Lai found one of his lost kitties doing something similar.
Might be worth a shot.
WE know you are all missing your buddy! WE are sending lots of purrs and prayers that he will be home soon!
We are purring and praying for Kimo's safe return.
We are also praying for Kimo's safe return home.
Softest purrs,
Kimo you had your fun it time for you to get you tail back in that house your family need you it not fair to them !!!!!!!!!!!! get YOUR TAIL HOME NOW
Lilly Lu and the rest of us too
More purrs and woofs for Kimo's quick return.
We are still purring and praying. Kimo, please please please come home now.
Oh no.... Willow and I just found out about Kimo missing. We are sending our strongest guiding purrs over. Please listen and get back home, Kimo!
Purrrrrrrrrrs, China Cat
Come home Kimo! We're all worried about you!
Mr. Emerson and Little Nicky
Praying that Kimo comes home safe & SOON!
~ The Purries of Purrchance To Dream
We are so sad that Kimo is missing, sending big purrs and prayers your way that he will be found very, very soon and come back safe and well.
Dood, I spend most of every day thinking about Kimo and sending out brain waves telling him to get his asterisk home. I wish there was more we could do to help find up but if we went up there we'd probably freak him out even more.
I'm sorry you're missing him so much. He musta gotten turned around because he wouldn't leave you alone on purpose.
Don't give up hope...I know of a kitty that was missing most of the summer that was just reunited with her family...The nice lady who found her took her in when she showed up on the doorstep, took her to the vet and they found her microchip and called.
Kimo, playtime is over-you need to come home where it's warm and you are loved!
Sending strong purrs that Kimo find his way home soon!
Taz, Runt, and Charles in IL
We's still sending non-stop purrs to guide Kimo home.
And sending lots of hugs to Sabi.
You can telerport over wif us iffen you like, but we figure right now you want to stay home to welcome Kimo home.
Oh, Sabi, I am so sorry that you are missing Kimo. I am praying and Herman is purring for his safe return very soon.
Poor Sabi, we send you lots of love because you are missing your bro'. It's no fun for you we know. Don't give up hope sweetheart.
Stinky tinned pilchards or sardines are really good bait for trapping cats our Mum said
Sending loud, rumbly purrs to send Kimo home to you
Oliver & Gerry
Still sending the GPS purrs for you!
We hope Kimo will be back soon, furriend!
We are so sory ~ yoo must be feeling lonely. We will keep purring and praying until Kimo comes home safe and sound. xxx
We're hollering for Kimo to come back now! If he shows up at our house we'll bring him there.
your bud Pepi and the rest of the Hotties
We're constantly purring that Kimo will be home soon. Hopefully you Mommakitty will find him today!
We are snorting real hard that Kimo comes home real soon. We know you miss him and are really worried about him.
Roxy & Lucky
Sabi, we knows you must be missing Kimo something awful and we know yur Mommakitty is doing all she can to bring him home to all of you. We are sending comforting purrs to all and we are MEOWING REAL LOUD @ Kimo to get his booty home.
We're purring for Kimo's safe return.
Truffle and Brulee
We have been checking on your Mum regularly on facebook and are hoping that Kimo gets home soon! Purrs.
We will keep purring for Kimo until he comes HOME. Here kitty, kitty, KIMO come home. Hugs to the humans; when Jet disappeared for 3 days, I was going out of my mind with worry, but he showed up, no worse for wear. Hope Kimo does the same.
Laura and Taffy
We're purring for Kimo's safe return. Don't give up hope, with a home like yours, he's bound to come back with a bounce.
Oh gosh, we sure hope that Kimo comes home soon. We are sending tons more purrs and will get the donkeys to cross their hooves too. Take care.
Sabi, we're worried about Kimo, too and are purrin' for him to come home safely.
We have prayed to St. Anthony and St. Francis to bring dear Kimo home safe and sound.
We have positive thoughts and prayers and purrs coming your way. purrrrrrrrrrrrrrs
We are purrin hard fer his return! We are sure he WANTS ta find home an that he misses you...
We are keeping our purrs and purrayers going for Kimo's safe return.
Hoping for good news very soon!
I was just checking back to see if there was any news. Herman is still purring for Kimo to come home.
Purrrring and purrrrring for his safe return.
We're purring so hard for Kimo. One of our lost and found online things recommends that you make a laminated poster, and put that up on your fence, wall, that way it won't get wet, and people who walk past every day might keep looking around for him.
We hope that he heads home soon.
Julie and Poppy Q
Sending huge purrs for Kimo to come home.
Dear Sabi and your beans, We are so sorry to hear that Kimo is missing! We will look for him in San Francisco in case he shows up here. But we hope he finds his way home first.
Purrs and paws, Jackpot and his people
We are still purring and purraying fur you, Kimo! xoxoxoxox
We're still purring and praying that Kimo is safe, and that he comes home soon.
Oh I so hope your Kimo finds his way back home. I know the heartache of when they go missing.
We will be Purring for you..and mom will be Praying for you too.
We keep stopping back and hoping!
We are still purring and purraying for Kimo
Just checking in to let you know we are still purring for Kimo to come home soon.
It must be scary for all of you, Kimo included, to be apart. We hope that he soon returns to you.
Taz, Runt and Charles in Illinois
We are purrin' fur da safe reeturn of Kimo. We cannot believe dats he would not come home. He lovez you & knowz he must get back to you. Do not givez up... we won't either!
We are still hopin an purrin fer Kimo to come home...
Don't give up! My grandmother's cat came back home after being outside for 3 weeks. Praying for your kitty's safe return!
Still keeping you uppermost in our thoughts and continuing to pray for his safe return.
Kimo, my one and only Valentine, please come home! My heart is just crying....Sabi, I know what you mean, if Kavan went missing, initially I would like it, but then I'd get very sad and lonely. Paws stay crossed that Kimo will find his way home.
We just heard the great news that you are back home now Kimo. We are so happy. Please don't go on a walkabout again. You have had us all so worried.
Cody and Gracie
YAY!! We're so happy you're home! Now don't ever do that again!
OMC !!! I'm so so Happy !!!!
Thanks COD ! He is safe and sound : )
(((( Happy Hugs to you, Kimo )))))
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