Wednesday, November 29, 2006

WAcKy WedNesDaY

S: I can touch my tounge to my nose - that's wacky!

This is my wacky look! Wacka-wacka-wacka-weeeeee . . .

(now, . . . I've been given some heat
about this being a normal pose for a meezer . . .
All I can say to that is . . . any meezer,
who gets caught in this position is wacky too!

S: This is Daddykitty being wacky . . .

Mommakitty and the other girls are pretty wacky too!

(Daddykitty's sister, neices, & Mommakitty)

Mommakitty: Hey . . . where did you guys get that photo?!

S: Exit . . . stage left . . .

If people did not sometimes do silly things,
nothing intelligent would ever get done.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Thanksgiving with Woofies

K: Yippee! Mommakitty and Daddykitty are back home! When they walked in the front door we didn't know whether to be scared or surprised (they didn't call ahead to say when they were going to arrive back home).

S: Ha ha ha ha... That's me being surprised...and Kimo being scared!

K: Anyhooo... they told us all about their Thanksgiving with the woofie family - and also the family that protects us from VISHUS DEER! To start with they went to Bakersfield, just like Skeezix! But they didn't get to visit with Skeezix 'cause there was too much family visiting for everyone. Mommakitty & Daddykitty's metal monster got busted rear paw on the way down and they had to go to a metal monster shop to replace the busted paw - then they were off again to Bakersfield. Which, by the way, is NOT the center of civilization (according to Skeezix). This is pretty much what it looks like:

S: Although Mommakitty's brother lives in a very nice new house on on golf course. Mommakitty explained to us that a golf course is a big green lawn where beans pay lots of money to drive toy cars, hit little inocent white balls with metal sticks, and then say lots of dirty words when the little white balls run away or hide. I would hide too if I was attacked by a metal stick! Can you see the the little toy cars?

K: Anyhooo . . . Mommakitty's brother cooked lots of turkeys for the family in his deep fryer. Mommakitty's brother is Deputy Sheriff in Kern County. This is a picture of his car - can you read what it says on the side? You don't mess with the Kern County Sheriff! He is very nice though. In the next picture he is giving the turkey a massage before cooking it - very thoughtful!

S: He and his family live with lots of woofies - 4 weener dogs to be specific. This is the whole weener family (below):

Photo (L-R): Rascals (Daddy), Cece (baby girl), Tigger (baby-boy), Queenie (Mama). Actually Rascals is a step-daddy woofie. He's 15 - too old to have his own kids, so Queenie got fixed up on a blind date to make puppies (with Rascal's permission of course).

K: Mommakitty says this is called a DOG PILE (above). This must be why she always smells like woofie when she comes home!

S: Now for the really big news! We found out that Mommakitty's family hate VISHUS DEER too! Here's proof . . . they hunt the vishus deer, and eat 'em, and display their pointy heads on the walls to warn all the other vishus deer to beware!

K: Just to let you know . . . we kept our of trouble while we were home alone. We played scrabble and did a little computer work. There was lots of bird watching and napping and we had lots of toys left out to play with. We only messed up a couple of things - nothing broke though! (whew!)

S: Well, that's about sums up our Thanksgiving blog entry . . . oh and we got pumpkin puree for being so good! (he he he)

K: BTW - if you go to Skeezix bloggie, you can read all about his road trip to Bakersfield (and see lots more exciting photos of the central valley).

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

K: Have a happy day and safe travels!

S: Save some turkey for us kitties!

Without Thy sunshine and Thy rain
We could not have the golden grain;
Without Thy love we'd not be fed;
We thank Thee for our daily bread.
(...and stinky goodness, and catnip, and temptations, mice, crunchies, left overs...)

Monday, November 20, 2006

Thanksgiving Will Be Here Soon!

K: Is everybody getting ready for Thanksgiving?

S: Is that the turkey eating day? I'm in!

Check this out . . . Thanksgiving Day Dinner cat food! When we went to the website (click on photo) we couldn't understand how to order any! It's from some other country (we can't understand the language).

You know what I overheard? Mommakitty & Daddykitty are going to spend Thanksgiving with some doggie relatives! Those dogs will get all the good table scraps!

K: But Mommakitty always gives us pumpkin puree as a Thanksgiving treat! It's good for our tummies too (a natural hairball remedy).

S: Ooooooh . . . I love pumpkin puree! Any whipped cream?

K: BTW - Mommakitty says it has to be 100% pumpkin puree, NOT pumpkin pie filling with all the sugar, spices, and crap.

If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, "thank you," that would suffice.
Meister Eckhart

Friday, November 17, 2006

Hey . . . What's Going On Here?

Hey Kimo . . . why do beans call it Turkey Day?

K: 'Cause it's the day they eat turkey. It's a big bird . . . you know how cats like birds!

S: Yea . . . but check this out . . . here's picture of a turkey . . . he's not very tasty looking (actually quite ugly, even scary).

K: OMG! . . . he's hangin' out with vishus deer! Hmmm . . . wonder what they're talking about . . . ?

S: I wonder if it's a Thanksgiving conspiracy in the making . . . what do you think?

Monday, November 13, 2006

Thanksgiving is Coming!

K: Is everybody getting ready for Thanksgiving? Do you know what your Indian name is?

S: My what? What does this have to do with Thanksgiving?

K: The first Thanksgiving was a meal between the Pilgrims and Indians.

S: I have an authentic Native American name?

K: Yep! Mine is: Hank Retractable Feathers. Sabi, yours is: Richard Provocative Rhino.

S: I thought our names, Kimo & Sabi, were already Indian names!

K: Well . . . we haven't quite proven that yet. The name Kimosabi was the so-called "Indian" nickname that Tonto gave the Lone Ranger, meaning friend.

S: Well I put The Lone Ranger's name in the "name generator" and it came out: Hayden Independent Butterfly!

Well, the "name generator" was designed by dogs . . . what do you expect?!

Click on image to get to the Authentic Native American Name Generator.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

The Snuggles Project
& Knitting For Peace

Speaking of peace lately . . . here's something some of your beans can do to help kitties and other animals in homeless shelters. It's called The Snuggles Project. People knit, crochet, and sew security blankets for shelter animals. Doesn't this kitty look snuggly?!

Mommakitty knits us toys and blankies! Every shelter animal deserves a nice warm security blankie! This is a picture of me with my favorite blankie. It's furry warm and I like to wrap myself in it - it definitely makes me feel safe (I don't like to share it with Kimo though - it's MINE!)

Here's an excerpt from The Snuggles Project web page;

"The Snuggles Project was founded . . . to do something for the innocent victims who find themselves in animal shelters without a bit of comfort to call their own . . . The security blankets are called "Snuggles." Each animal would get a Snuggle to cuddle up with to feel warmth and comfort. Most shelter animals are kept in areas with stainless steel braces and hard plastic flooring or even bare concrete floors. The Snuggles would allow them to have a little reprieve from the coldness of the pen they are kept in. Snuggles not only give physical comfort but psychological comfort as well."

S: Mommakitty learned about The Snuggles Project in a book called Knitting For Peace: Make the World a Better Place One Stitch at a Time. Here's what the book looks like - and there's lots of other great projects for wonderful causes.

(click on image for link to

K: So for those of you who may be looking for a alternative gift giving idea, think about creating one! P.S. - some animal shelters even accept clean used towels for blankies. Or maybe your beans have an older blanket or bathrobe they could cut up, sew the edges, and make into small animal-size blankies.

S: Mommakitty is also currently knitting scarves for orphans - a project called One Red Scarf. If you want to learn more about it, go to her bloggie. You can find the linky in the sidebar.

Giving is the lifeblood of happy living.
Todd Parrish

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Dona Nobis Pacem

K: Translation: Give us Peace

S: Peace be with all our blogging cat buddies!

K: . . . and throughout the world!

(click on image or words)

S: Mommakitty did one too!

Friday, November 03, 2006

Today is all about Kimo!

Hey - I'm Kat's Cat of the Day! I just found out! I had to call Mommakitty in Houston, TX (she's at a conference) to tell her the news so she can post some stuff about me later. For now, you can go to Kat's Cat of the Day page and read all about ME!!!