Kimo: We know some of you cats gets a little nervous when yer beans leave da house to travel fer a few days . . . but not us!
Sabi: We likes it! We don't even need a babysitter when they is gone fer less than a week (besides, we is not babies - duh!).
Kimo: They is going to Bakersfield, which is in da middle of nowhere (according to Daddykitty), even though it's furry close to Oildale (4 miles) where Skeezix has fambly (and Skeez says Oildale is da center of civilization). I asked Mommakitty & Daddykitty if they was gonna make a pit stop at the famous Chuck Erreca Rest Stop - da one that Skeezix stopped at on his road trip last year. Mommakitty said yes . . . so I Googled "Chuck Erreca Rest Stop" . . . and look what image popped up - a photo of Mr. TF and Skeez taking a pit stop!

da whole story of Skeezix's road trip to Bakersfield.
Sabi: This (below) is pretty much what Bakersfield looks like until you git to Uncle Mark's house (Mommakitty's brother). Mommakitty's nephew Josh (our bean cousin) is graduating from High School!

Kimo: Can you see da CRAZY fambly resemblence? He is not even in a band . . . and he doesn't own a boat! Mommakitty has obviously had her "CRAZY" influence on Josh. She says it is her professional obligation to mess up a few kids so other psycho-lady-therapists like her can continue to have work to do - a professional courtesy. Some call it job security. She has done a furry good job.
Sabi: This is cousin Josh wif his weener dog Rascal - Mommakitty knitted da Sherpa hat fer Rascal. There are 3 other weener dogs in their fambly, so Mommakitty and Daddykitty always come back home smelling like weeners!
Kimo: Anyhoo, we will be taking a blogging vacation . . . but we may stop in and visit some of you to leave comments. See ya back on Monday!
Sabi: PAR-TAY! Who wants to come play in our Fun Tunnel?
Kimo: Sabi - Shhhhh! Wait 'till they're gone!
P.S. - Dear Burglars: don't even think about comin' to our house cuz we gots a state-of-da-art alarm system. If you try to break in, da police will be dispatched. Even worse, a really loud siren will sound and make us go psycho-crazy and we cannot be held responsible fer our eye-scratching, hoo-ha ripping actions. Plus, da neighbor lady is watching da house (but NOT babysitting).