Freakin' Friday(Otherwise known as Terrifying Thursday)
Sabi: Guess what?! Last night we ESCAPED to da out of doors! Tell 'em about it Kimo.
Kimo: I am not talking about it.
Sabi: Whatever. Here is the events as they actually occurred;
- Daddykitty tolded Mommakitty he was goin' out to take some photos.
- Mommakitty said "OK" - and Daddykitty left.
- About 10 minutes later, Mommakitty went to the front of da house to git something from the living room - and
DA FRONT DOOR WAS WIDE OPEN! Daddykitty did not close da door!
- Mommakitty immediately looked fer us but realized we was gone!
SHE FREAKED OUT!- She went outside and called and called fer us but she didn't hear anything (cuz we was scared too, and we didn't recognize her voice at first).
- We was chest deep in da ivy and headed toward da prickly blackberry bushes when we heard her calling and coming towards us.
- Then I said, "Here I am Momma, here I am!" But when she came to git me I didn't recognize her at first - it looked like her, and sounded like her, but I couldn't smell her yet cuz there was so many other smells in da air . . . so I gots scared and started to back away.
- Mommakitty was swift and grabbed me by da scruff of da neck and ran into da house wif me (and closed da door) - then she went back to rescue Kimo.
Kimo: I did not need rescuing!
Sabi: Hey - I'M tellin' da story and I saw da who thing from da window. Anyhoo . . .
- When Momma when back fer Kimo he puffed all up like a big floofy monster and hissed at her and swiped at her.
- Momma crouched down and hadded to talk to Kimo fer a long time - but he just kept hissing and swiping and puffin' up.
- Then Momma put her hand out fer Kimo to smell - when he got a good wif of her, then he de-puffed and walked around her to check her out. She was furry still.
- Then Kimo wasn't scared anymore and he rubbed up against Mommakitty, and she brought him into da house (and closed da door - tight).
Kimo: I WAS NOT SCARED! I finally gotted some freedom in da great out of doors and you gots to go and cry like a baby and make her thinks we is stuck, and then she finks we is not big boys and can't hold our own outside!
Sabi: We was furry lucky did not encounter any vishus deer cuz we did not have our vishus deer repellant wif us - we could have been eaten alive! Anyhoo . . . Kimo whined at da front door fer a couple of hours - pawin' at da door and sniffin' da door jam, and whining really loud.
Kimo: I was born to be out of doors - I can feel it in my bones!
Sabi: After that, Mommakitty put a stool at da front door so we could sees outside (even though we can sit at da window and see outside, there was now something magical about da door!)
Kimo: We hadded a discussion wif Mommakitty before bed and she decided that we needed to practice strollin' sooner than later (as Jeter would say, "DUHR!"). So tomorrow we is gittin' to open our stroller and start practicing!
Sabi: (I'm still not sure I want to go out of doors again - even in da stroller).
P.S. - here is what da note on da door says (It should go wifout saying that Daddykitty gotted in big trouble when he got home - Duhr!).
P.S.S. - because of these terrifying exciting events, we did not git a chance to attend da prayer circle and vigil. But we is sendin' out our global prayers and purrs!